«Որդի», «Ժառանգ» նշանակող բառերը շումերերէնում եւ հայերէնում  
Words meaning “son” and “heir” in Sumerian and Armenian languages 

Bazmavep 2013 / 1 - 2, pp. 227-238

An analysis of the meaning group “son, child, posterity, generation, heir, calf, kid” is made in this article in the context of two cuneiform signs – DUMU
and ZUR. The Armenian parallels of these signs are listed. We see that all the Armenian parallels of these signs are practically identical with Sumerian words both phonetically and by their meanings. Taking into account the fact that the kindred terms are highly important in determining the degree of affinity of languages, we consider it possible that we have the same language in the case of Sumerian and Armenian. That is, with a high degree of probability, the Sumerian language is the Armenian language of the 3rd millennium BC.