Creazione di Adamo o Trinità? Rilettura iconologica di una celebre lunetta di Noravanք 
Ադամի արարո՞ւմ թէ Երրորդութիւն. Նորավանքի հռչակաւոր քանդակի վերընթերցում 

Bazmavep 2013 / 1 - 2, pp. 182-194

The article presents an iconological reading of the lunette of the narthex of the St. John the Baptist church at Noravank, interpreted by scholars as a representation of the Trinity, as a creation of Adam, especially on the basis of the attached epigraph. We suggest here an iconological exegesis of the composition, which, far from simplifying the complexity of the work, on the contrary takes place on a different level, following the above, taking into account not only the work itself, but also the possible interpretations determined by rearrangements, and the surplus of meaning resulting from the location of the work in an architectural context and in a cycle of Christological themes. The meaning of a work of art – especially on a theological subject – is not only determined by the intention of the author beforehand, but it is gradually enriched with additional meanings, thanks to the readers of the image and its context.