Գեղարուեստական կրթութեան սկզբունքների փնտռտուքը «Բազմավէպ» հանդէսի էջերում (1843-1900)
The search for principles of artistic education in the pages of Bazmavep review (1843-1900)

Bazmavep 2023 / 1-2, pp. 213-234

Reviews published in different parts of the world were of great importance in the development of Armenian educational culture and the national pre­ser­vation work. Bazmavep, which first came off the presses of the Mekhitarist Con­­gregation in Venice in 1843, is among the most important of such perio­dicals, with ample coverage of various topics pertaining artistic education as well as remarkable articles of analysis of the pedagogical thinking of the time in that field.  

Bazmavep was a special textbook for students and teachers of Armenian educational centers in the second half of the XIX century. It has not lost its relevance even today, because the advanced experience, principles, and methods attained in the field of art education, which are discussed in the pages of Baz­ma­vep of the time, can be creatively put to work in the schools and pedagogical practices of our day