Riabilitazione della strada Yerevan-Geghard: sviluppo sostenibile con interventi sostenibili 
Երեւան-Գեղարդ ճանապարհի վերականգնում. մատչելի միջամտութիւններով մատչելի զարգացում 

Bazmavep 2014 / 1-2, pp. 227-235

The adaptation and care of existing road layouts in Armenia are part of the relaunched national policies system. The safe road layouts are also a basic prerequi­site for the enhancement of the Armenia architectural, archeological, and natural he­ritage.

The renovation pilot project of the Yerevan-Geghard highway aims at being a model of road structure conservation, on their good or bad repair, and on useful actions to improve safety routes. Special attention is focu­sed on methods aimed at inclusion of the works compatible with the character and nature of the site. A safe road network enables the full realization of tourism potential in the region with positive effects on local people, economic and cultural developmen­t and growth.