Strengthening Armenian churches: some innovative proposals
Ամրակայել Հայկական Եկեղեցիներ. որոշ նորարարական առաջարկներ 

Bazmavep 2014 / 1-2, pp. 174-188

The ancient Armenian culture offers a wide number of historical buildings which show interesting technologies and materials adopted during the con­struction phases. In the last decades, some of these pieces of ancient heritage have suf­fered an evident structural deterioration, especially due to seismic events. In some cases, the structure reached local or global collapse. Three case studies are illustrated in this article, analyzing some consolidation interventions proposed by the author. The first case deals with Marmashen monastery, where a not inva­sive, reversible, and efficient consolidation solution was adopted to strengthen the drum. The second case has to do with Arudj church. Local kinematics were de­tected during the survey so that a global intervention of structural steel ties was proposed to restore an overall “box-like behavior”. The third case concerns the ruins of a very famous church in Ani, where several innovative applications of the Reinforced Arch Method (RAM) were proposed.