«Ամէնուս ալ է մեծ Վարպետն ու Նահապետն՝ Հայր Ղեւոնդ Ալիշան» (Եղիա Տէմիրճիպաշեան)
The great master and ancestor of all of us: Hayr Ghevond Alishan (Yeghia Demirjibashian)

Bazmavep 2021 / 1-2, pp. 194-210

Much has been written and told about Hayr Ghevond Alishan, many memoirs, articles, extensive works have been published, however, in a way, the presence and voice of Yeghia Demirjibashian, another great figure of our literary-cultural-educational life, was ignored. It is true, Demirjibashian did not write a more or less complete article dedicated to the life and work of the Ancesor. However, his opinions, views and assessments of one of the greatest national appreciators of his time are scattered in his numerous and varied literary and public speeches, in the press pages of the time.

Yeghia confessed that he had often tried to see Venice, St. Lazarus Island, where the Armenian language and literature were revived. Unfortunately, he could not fulfill this desire, but all his life he kept the love and respect of this famous hearth in his heart, in particular, to Hayr Ghevond Alishan. We find Ye. Demirjibashian’s assessment to Mekhitarist activities, Gh. Alishan’s personality and works on many pages of other journals published by him. One of the best examples of what was said is his assessment of the second volume of “Tsaghkakagh section”, published by the Mekhitarists “Tsakhkakakh’ is a wonderful book which I read in the morning, which I read every evening but I am not satisfied yet.”