Բուսանունները Հ. Ղ. Ալիշանի «Այրարատ - Բնաշխարհ Հայաստանեայց» աշխատութեան մէջ
Plants names in fr. Ghevond Alishan's work “Ayrarat: Armenians’ homeland”

Bazmavep 2021 / 1-2, pp. 123-135

In the article we have presented the names of plants of the topographic third tome of Fr. Ghevont Alishan’s Ayrarat: the natural world of Armenia”, which, according to the presentation of the historiographic style, mainly act as botanical scientific terms. Therefore, the author also mentions their Latin names in the book.

We divided the names of Ayrarat plants into two main groups with corresponding subgroups: a) the names of specific plants, as well as the names that are associated with the concept of “plant”, b) proper names made up of the names of plants.

The study shows that the topography of Alishan “Ayrarat: the natural world of Armenia” not only provides valuable information about history, geography, structures of medieval architecture, flora, folklore, etc. Armenia, and is also quite rich in plant names. Especially numerous are those toponyms that are composed of the word “flower”, with different names for flowers and trees. A number of neologisms compiled by Alishan did not find a place in the famous dictionaries of the Armenian language.