Սեւանի վանքի «Ամենափրկիչ» խաչքարը 
The “Amenaprkich”(Saviour) khachkar in the monastery of Sevan 

Bazmavep 2013 / 3 - 4, pp. 162-185

Researchers call ‘Savior’ those khachkars (cross-stones) which depict Jesus Christ’s crucifixion. You can find one of these cross-stones in Araqeloc church
at Sevan’s temple. Nowadays it is placed at church’s eastern tabernacle. From the records dating back to 1653 it’s getting clear that the cross-stone was erected in memory of Archbishop Hayrapet. Initially, the cross-stone was located in Norashen village situated on the shore of Lake Sevan and most obviously was removed to the temple of Sevan during 70s in the 19th century. This monument is a unique encyclopedia of Christian knowledge. Its sculpture or compiler is Trdat who was very well acquainted with Bible. The beautifully carved surface of the cross-stone is divided into several zones.
On the right-hand side of the first zone there is depicted a scene from Apocalypse book where the angels herald on trumpets about the end of the world.
On another scene there is an image of Christ resigning on a throne surrounded by the four apostles' signs. On a small square placed a little below one can see the pictures of sinners who are bare head in comparison with mages who have crowns, with their hand on the chest. It’s worth mentioning the Doomsday scene and the scales with devils playing with its bowls trying to even harden men’s sins. In the center of the cross-stone there is the crucifixion scene. Jesus Christ is depicted nailed to a cross with Joseph and Nicodemus down on their knees. Here Christ's face is calm and imperturbable, body parts are still. He has long hair, and the corresponding body parts are covered with ornate piece of clothing. On the bottom Adam and Eva before the fall of man and after it, already in the hell. Grape leaf symbolizes the paradise. Pictured is Adam holding Eva's hand and an image of a snake embodying Satan’s head defeated by Jesus. Being the youngest one from the Saviors known to the Armenology the cross-stone from Sevan temple is interesting due to its iconography. It should be mentioned that it does not concede to any others by its historical and cultural value.