Միջնադարեան գրականութիւնը Հ. Ղեւոնդ Ալիշանի «Սիսական»
աշխատութեան մէջ
The armenian medieval literature in the work “Sisakan” by Fr. Ghevont Alishan 

Bazmavep 2017 / 3 - 4, pp. 115-124

Three martyrologies in the work Sisakan by G. Alishan differ from each other by either the biography of personages or the geographic area of the described events. If the first hero is the Abbot of the Saint Tatev Monastery, the two others are laymen and even if they originate from Siunik, the history of their lives was transferred to other countries and, moreover, Moslem ones. This circumstance did not change their faith and fidelity towards the Armenian nation and Christian religion.
Ghevond Alishan had the goal to get his compatriots acquainted with the patriotic aspirations of the martyrologies authors and, to some extend, he observed in their religious works the right ideology of national preservation which is, according to him, always topical.