Հ. Ղուկաս Ինճիճեանի աւանդը Հայաստանի պատմական աշխարհագրութեան
եւ ժողովրդագրութաեն ուսումնասիրութեան բնագաւառում
Fr. Ghukas Inchichyan's contribution in the study of historical geography 
and demography of Armenia 

Bazmavep 2017 / 3 - 4, pp. 104-114

During the 300-year-long fruitful activity on San Lazzaro island in Venice, the Mechitarist Congregation has given many eminent Armenian scholars. Father Ghukas Injijian (1758-1833) is distinguished among them with his outstanding contribution to the study of historical, geographical and demographic issues of Armenia. Among his dozens of studies, the first volume of “The Geography of Four Parts of the World” is especially notable, concerning Armenia. Father Injijian is truly the founder of the Armenian historical geography and demography of new times.
Archimandrite Ghukas was also the founder of the first “Chronicle” magazine in Europe (the second one in the Armenian world), which became the first Armenian magazine in modern Armenian language.