Հ. Ղեւոնդ Ալիշան - Խրիմեան Հայրիկ. յուշային զուգահեռներ
Fr. Ghevond Alishan – Khrimian Hayrik: memory correlations

Bazmavep 2020 / 3-4, pp. 169-182

The memories about Ghevond Alishan and Khrimian Hayrik have cultural and source- study importance and they depict the two great sons of Armenia in a very impressive and colorful way. 

The pillars of the selves of these two Armenians, the driving forces of their worldview, their past emotions and future hopes are the Armenian homeland, Armenians themselves, their souls and breath, customs, happiness and sorrow.  All this is opened up in the memories of their contemporaries with bright and vivid colors. 

The two giants of patriotism are discussed in one common chain, which shows them a philosophers and tհeologists, writers and the most importantly, two man of the same age.

As posers of memoranda, Alishan and Khrimian are presented with all their undeniable and exceptional values. The memoranda writers depict them in different delicate lines, which highlight important realities.