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Fr. Ghevond Alishan's articles dealing with architecture which are published in “Bazmavep”

Bazmavep 2020 / 3-4, pp. 102-108

The toponymal works of Ghevond Alishan are in terms of national tradition for Armenian Architecture today. The books of “Shirak” (1881), “Ayrarat” (1890), “Sisakan” (1893), “Siswan” (1899), “Kamenec’Annuals” (1896) and others are lading classical works of historical monuments, town planning and landscape studies. They passed certain methodical development process until the last publication as complete research. In fact at the beginning they programed as land marks of geographical and historical entities of Armenian culture in the content of brief studies such as “Toponymal of Armenian lands” (1855), as well as “landmarks of Armenia” (1870). Successively the main land marks approbated in the official journal of Bazmavep as series of articles by their main problems, objectives etc. Notable that all above mentioned researches which were published as terminated books belong to the territories of Russian Armenia, as it was accepted to name at the XIX c. But the other studies which are from Ottoman Armenian region remained as articles included in Bazmavep journal of studies.

The above mentioned toponymal articles published in Bazmavep journal by Ghevond Alishan, logically are the continuation of the published volumes. In reality the articles dedicated to the study of “Bardzr Hayk (Higher Armenia)” (1860-1870), “Nakhijevan region” (1892), ”Sophene” (1893), “Aghvank area” (1972), “Artsakh” region etc., were and are in the term of future armenologic studies conducting the toponymal-s of Architecture and town planning historical tradition of Armenia.