Հրաչեայ Աճառեանի Յօդուածները «Բազմավէպ»Ի Էջերում (1897-1899)
Hrachia Adjarian’s articles in «Bazmavep»  (1897-1899)

Bazmavep 2018 / 3-4, pp. 187-203

The outstanding armenologist Hrachia Hagop Adjarian (1876, March 8 - 1953, April 16) has a great number of linguistic and philological arti­cles pub­lished in the review "Bazmavep". They are mainly written or finalized dur­ing his study years as a student in Paris and Strasbourg. Born in Constantino­ple, Adjarian received his primary education in his native city and then worked for a short period of time as a teacher in Constantinople (1893-1894) and in Karin (1894-1895). Afterwards in 1895, he left for Paris and entered the Sor­bonne University where a prominent linguist in Indo-European studies, Antoine Meil­let, was his professor for three years. In 1898, Adjarian stayed in Stras­bourg for several months and attended the lectures of another prominent ar­me­no­logist and linguist, Heinrich Hübschman. In our paper, we describe and ana­lyze Adjarian’s works, published in "Bazmavep" during three years (1897-1899). These studies can be divided into several groups: etymological, dialec­tological, phonological, textological, comparative-folkloristic, etc. Besides, we try to identify the dating of the articles by H. H. Adjarian with regard to certain periods of his biography.