«Բազմավէպ» ՊարբերականիԷջերում
A reference to Armenian language teaching problems on the pages of the periodical “Bazmavep”

Bazmavep 2018 / 3-4, pp. 171-178

In the edition of July 1898 of the journal “Bazmavep”, the young scientist H. Ajarian refers to those educational institutions in France and Germany, which taught also Armenian language. Personally participating in the Armenian les­sons, Ajarian believes it is necessary to present his impressions of the ef­fec­tive­ness of such courses by examining the purpose and methods of teaching. In this regard, he compares two of the Parisian institutions – first, College of Sor­bonne where Antoine Meillet, the well-known armenologist and greatest ama­teur of Armenian people, was giving Armenian lessons, and second, the Special School of Oriental Languages where the Armenian language was just formally taught by someone named Carriere with a very poor knowledge of Armenian. Visiting that special school and observing his lessons, Ajarian found a great number of mistakes. After examining the problems of Armenian language teaching in the aforementioned institutions, Ajarian finds it neces­sary to present also the prob­lems of teaching Armenian language in Germany as a classical country of lan­guage study, thus paying tribute to the great scientist Hein­rich Hübschmann who was teaching Armenian in the University of Stras­bourg.