ԵւրոպականԳրականութեանԹարգմանութիւնները «Բազմավէպ»ԻԷջերում
The translations of European literature in “Bazmavep”

Bazmavep 2018 / 3-4, pp. 148-157

The article carries out along the lines of translations of the European au­thors done by the Mekhitarists in “Bazmavep” journal. The comparative ana­lysis of the originals and translations pointed out that the Mekhitarist translators are skillful composers, which aimed at transferring the masterpieces of Euro­pean literature to Armenian reader by preserving the principles of faithfulness, the spirit, the style and language of authors. It has been revealed that the Me­khitar­ist’s are concentrated on the translation of spiritual-religious texts, how­ever they also touch upon the questions of contemporary literature.