Իտալական ազգային-ազատագրական շարժումները «Դրօշակ» պարբերականում 
A reflection of the Italian national liberation movement in the «Droshak» daily 

Bazmavep 2010 / 1 - 2, pp. 181-190

The Droshak daily newspaper was the organ of the Armenian Re­vo­lu­tio­na­ry Federation. It was founded by the famous Federal Revolutionary member Chris­topher Mikaelyan (1859-1905).
Many interesting materials concerning the Armenian question were pub­li­shed in the paper, as well as articles about the events which took place in Italy du­ring the same period.
From 1899 to 1901, the Union of Armenian Students in Europe wrote to the two famous Garibaldians, Ricciotti Garibaldi and Amilcare Cipriani to ask their opinion about the Armenian question. The Italian heroes answered the let­ters of the Armenian students with great pleasure, calling on the Armenian people to struggle for freedom from Turkey, even offering their help. But this offer was not followed up with any specific activity.
In 1907, on the occasion of the centennial anniversary of Giuseppe Ga­ri­bal­di’s birth, «Droshak» published two articles about the hero’s life and ac­ti­vi­ties. More articles about the Armenian question were also published. An article cal­led “Garibaldians” described the struggle by Garibaldi’s two grandsons, Bruno and Costantino, against German forces during World War I. Both of them were killed in the fight for France.
In 1911, Droshak published an article called “Rare Holiday” (the revival of a nation), where it stated that 50 years was usually too short a period for a nation’s revival. But a «miracle» had happened in Italy during that period, and with its help the Italian statehood had been created. The country had once again risen to life and found its place in the European world.