Գրաբարի Բայական Յարացոյցի Անդամների Ձեւաբանական Եւ Բառակազ­մական Կառուցուածքը
Morphological and word-forming structure of old Armenian verbal paradigm members

Bazmavep 2019 / 1-2, pp. 257-274

Old Armenian verbal paradigm members have more complicated struc­ture in comparison with the nominal ones with strict opposition of stems and in­flexio­nal endings or inner inflexion (resp. direct and oblique cases). During the historical development of Old Armenian in the pre-literary period some struc­tural elements of the verbal paradigm (in particular the voice infixes or the the­matic vowels in personal endings) had lost their meanings and are preserved on­ly as formalized markers of the present and the perfect stems.