Փոխառեալ բառեր եւ օտարաբառ կազմութիւններ նոյնանիշների՝ ԺԸ. դարից
աւանդուած ձեռագիր բառարաններում
Loanwords and compounds with foreign words in 18th century manuscript dictionaries of synonyms

Bazmavep 2016 / 1 - 2, pp. 174-186

In manuscript dictionaries some synonymic rows end with loanwords. They exist in Armenian dialects. In this article these loanwords are examined as interferences of the compilers оr the authors of the manuscript dictionaries. In fact, they supplied and added what they knew. These loanwords are mostly borrowed from Iranian language.
This article considers such words “time; place”, “to be thin and skinny”, “ eadkerchief, headscarf, handkerchief”, “to be stupefied, to be befuddled”, “boza, drink from millet”, “juice; wine”, “sherbet; syrup; sweet drink”, “aqua regia”, “collar”, “abundant, plentiful; much, many”, “simple-heartedness, simple-mindedness; ingenuousness”, “road, way”.